
If you would like to discuss your ideas and requirements for your project, please get in touch.

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Latest News

Digital Preferences of Young People

Colette is thrilled to be researching the Digital Preferences of Young People on behalf of The Wise Group; exploring the role of digital platforms in the employability journey.

Chair of Fertile Ground CIC

In June 2015 Colette was appointed Chair of Fertile Ground CIC, supporting early career dancers to take their first professional steps


In December 2013, Colette was elected Chair of National Council for Voluntary Youth Services; the independent voice of the voluntary youth sector.

Creative Careers

Grey College, Durham University have invited Colette to coordinate and host an event to inspire undergraduate students to consider shaping a creative career after graduation. A stellar panel of speakers include a television producer, a playwright and a magazine editor. The event is scheduled for March 2014

Finnish Visit

Once again, Colette will host a delegation of representatives from Finnish charities who will visit organisations in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in February 2015 to learn about support for people experiencing homelessness and substance dependencies. Learning will be shared with Finnish Parliament.

“Colette was very knowledgeable and her passion for volunteering was apparent. She led through the training session with a pleasant sense of humour.”

Anja, New Prospects